The main epicentre of the scheme will be a CCI school which will plan to bring the street into the building/developments and challenge what a communal space can be, what is ownership and do buildings and property/land have to be detached from the public space. Do they have to have physical boundaries or can we play around with social boundaries, perception of spaces within a given volume?

The scheme will use pavilions to encourage a native flow through Southsea and towards Fratton. Southsea gets more funding naturally with it's affluence and political results. The pavilions will reflect the art they feature, being somewhat feral and opportunistic with their placement. These pavilions will act as seeded activities to encourage a flow. These can be connected through shared space and a shared language of community. Bridging a new narrative from Southsea to Fratton since Fratton struggles to find it's voice and place in its current state.

Flow can also be manipulated using light and form. This however, does not necessarily have to be through massing. Can we use trees and green spaces, landmarks, street art, sculpture?

The concept of this masterplan is opportunity. Conveyed from the art it fosters and encourages. Can a masterplan be feral, can it grow and manipulate a flow to give place a role, give place a place. The scheme needs a personality, a character and identity. The opportunistic approach gives the massing some life, giving Fratton an identity, giving it some independence and character through a bridging of community. Fratton will be rebirthed with a story to tell once again through it's existing creative talent, giving Fratton a narrative itself will encourage a flow through it via the scheme.